Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Santa on a Firetruck, and West Kiama Darts

Helen was at work again today on Christmas Eve, and even though I am on annual leave, I still had to go into work and change prices for everything that will change on January 1st. So I got the kids up, and we were in at work by 8.30am. They were great, playing their Nintendo DS and iPods while I did my stuff, and finally two hours later I called quits and decided that whatever hadn't been done could wait until I returned next year.

The photos above represent the Chrsitmas cards that have been received this year - the top one has been all the kids cards, and the bottom one Helen has received (not sure any were for me at all).
Meanwhile, the lounge room was all set up for tomorrow's excitement.

Helen arrived home just after 2.30pm, and we pulled the cars out of the garage, as the kids waited patiently for Santa to do his usual Christmas Eve drive-around on the fire engine. While we waited, Helen and I had our annual West Kiama Open Darts competition. Our skills do seem to have peaked, but importantly I managed to retain the trophy, much to Helen's chagrin.

Santa arrives on the Albion Park Fire Brigade's vehicle.

Our neighbourhood's kids with their haul, having chased Santa through four streets.
Another of our growing Xmas Eve traditions is a games fest, and so we played Uno and Skip-Bo after dinner, keeping the kids active without TV.

The kids were excited and up late of course, and it wasn't until about 10.00pm that Helen and I could finally start bringing their presents down and start wrapping them. As always, as is also somewhat) traditional, I watched A Very Brady Christmas to help pass the time. Yes, it is corny and trashy, but I've been watching it for so many years now that it is impossible to not keep doing it.

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