Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Revisiting The Twilight Zone: S3 E29

Season 3: Episode 29: Four O’Clock

I generally like the one-room-plays that often crop up on The Twilight Zone. In this case, the story becomes a bit convoluted, but it is superbly acted. Theodore Bikel plays the protagonist OIiver Crangle, who sits in his office and effectively spies on the people of the world, deciding in his one man jury of those who are guilty of being evil or pursuing evil paths, and then calls the authorities or their employers and campaigns for their sacking or arrest.

The acting here is terrific. There is just the right level of madness and craziness allowed to seep through in his manic ideas, especially when being questioned by the FBI agent he has called to inform of his master plan to rid the world of evil.

The ending becomes predictable well before it is played out, but it is still done with enough panache to make the episode memorable long after you have finished watching.

Rating:  The long and the short of good and evil.  4/5.

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