Monday, January 11, 2016

Revisiting The Twilight Zone: S1 E1: Where Is Everybody?

Season 1: Episode 1: Where Is Everybody?

The first episode of any series is always the starting point, and in retrospect most will always have flaws or feel out of place in the whole scheme of the series. As a first episode this does everything it needs to, with a story that poses a problem that seems out of the ordinary, before the twist at the end. In this instance, the twist is also the answer to the problem posed, rather than changing the storyline cleverly at the end, as would become the trait of the show.

The episode poses an interesting question, set as it is a decade before humans set foot on the moon, about how isolation and loneliness in space would affect potential astronauts. Not knowing that at the commencement of the episode, and only knowing that our friend doesn’t know who he is, or where he is, or how he got there, makes for an interesting debate throughout as to what is actually going on.

Rating:  The start of something big. 

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