Sunday, July 8, 2007

Bloody Live Earth

Just to relive the crap that was Live Earth.

So you spend the whole weekend, waiting for bands to come up on Live Earth, hoping for something special from all of them, and hoping they do it all justice.


Bon Jovi was the best of them, but they have always been good at these kind of events. "Livin' On A Prayer" is still a great anthem.
Metallica played the same three songs they always play at these kind of things - the same three they played at Wembley at the Freddie Mercury Tribute concert. They were OK, but with the catalogue they have surely they could have extended themselves.
Spinal Tap were disappointing. OK, getting everyone up for Big Bottom, and pronouncing they had "every bass player in history" with them was a tad amusing, but they really could have done something special, and in the long run it was flat.
And The Police were rubbish! Why did they feel as though they had to play their songs, and extend them with meaningless artsy-fartsy instrumental breaks, with Sting meowing over the top? Did they think that was what everyone wanted to hear?!? And then those two other losers came on, and let's rap through "Message In A Bottle"? WHY?!?! 28 hours I waited for The Police, and I got a Sting Benefit Band.

So that was the weekend gone.

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